Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sheesh! where have i been???? well, school keeps me busy and i do facebook a lot cuz i can keep in touch w/ my chil'ns that way. and yes, i do like to play scrabble and packrat there. what can i say? more than that, i guess i don't have much to say, although my last rant-i mean entry-belies that somewhat. now i have a twitter account, too. have you heard of this? it's just a status reporter. i like to think of it as a mini-blog. you have to limit yourself to 140 or so characters and it's very big w/ the i-phone crowd. of course, i don't have an i-phone and i can only imagine how much MORE procrastinating i could do if i DID have one so i'm probably better off w/o it...yet i soooo want one! anyway, here's my twitter addy: it's school vacation now and so i can check in here. it's been a busier week than i had thought but so far pretty relaxing. i'll try to be better about stopping by. sorry to any of you who have been wondering.

1 comment:

Scooter said...

I have been wondering, and am SO glad to see you back. Lovely snow we're getting tonight, don't you think? I foolishly had my hopes up that the worst of winter was behind us ... silly me, lifelong New Englander that I am. Hope all is well.